April´s Winners FICOCC
The April´s Winners FICOCC are the following:

Best short film of the month
The shortest are always the best !, by Daniel Jenny
Best feature film of the month
Suicide, by Juan Andres Mateos Diaz
1.- Short Film Awards
Best Drama Short Film April fool´s day, by Apostolis Iliopoulos
Special Mention Drama Short Film Encallados, by Josué Hermes
Special Mention Drama Short Film Living Idle, by Ramana
Best Comedy Short Film The shortest are always the best!, by Daniel Jenny
Special Mention Comedy Short Film Dream a little dream of me, by Massimo Perego Meroni
Best Terror Short Film
The Last Zombie, by Anthony Lecomte
Special Mention Terror Short Film
Claire and Bruno: a story of love and fresh meat, by Lionel Delebarre
Best Experimental Short Film Eventide, by Muriel Paraboni
Special Mention Experimental Short Film Black reflection, by Soudabeh Kamrani
Best Documentary Short Film The fall, by Mohsen Olyaei
Special Mention Documentary Short Film The Sons of Mapes, by Aaron Hosé
Special Mention Documentary Short Film La Hoyada, by Roberto Flores
Best Student Short Film Buzzing of a bumblebee, by Vladimir Beldian
Special Mention Student Short Film Africana, by Amin Elhag
Special Mention Student Short Film Mirror, by Sara Eustáquio
Best Opera Prima Short Film Gustavo Sani - Invisible Eyes
Best Indie Short Film I can change, by Joachim Dejonghe
Special Mention Indie Short Film My friend, my wife and a trout, by Jean Claude Ricquebourg
Individual Awards: Best Director short film (ex aequo) José Hermes – Encallados
Daniel Jenny - The shortest are always the best !
Special Mention Director short film Joachim Dejonghe - I can change
Best screenplay short film (ex aequo) Daniel Jenny - The shortest are always the best !
Maysel Bello - The homicide
Special Mention screenplay short film Majid Khorasani - Downfall
Special Mention screenplay short film Gustavo Sani - Invisible Eyes
Best Lead Actor short film
Hector Medina - A Tale with Christ and Jesus
Special Mention Lead Actor short film Waldo Franco - The homicide
Best Supporting Actor short film short film
Alejandro Bosh - A Tale with Christ and Jesus
Special Mention Supporting Actor short film Francois Negret - The shortest are always the best !
Best Lead Actress short film Núria Blay - Dream a little dream of me
Special Mention Lead Actress short film Eva María Milara - From inside
Special Mention Lead Actress short film Julia Cazals - Scene
Best Supporting Actress short film Tine Van Den Wyngaert - I can change
Special Mention Supporting Actress short film Geetanjali Mishra - Living Idle
Best Young Actress short film
Jamie Marchuk - Mirror
Best team performance short film
Galina Konovalova, Vyacheslav Shalevich, Viktor Zozulin, Anatoly Menchikov, Maria Volkova & team- Buzzing of a bumblebee
Special Mention team performance short film
Hector Medina, Dayron Moreno, Laura de la Uz, Alejandro Bosh & team - A Tale with Christ and Jesus
Best Cinematography short film Ilya Kondratiev, Dmitry Polyakov - Buzzing of a bumblebee
Special Mention Cinematography short film The fall
Best Art Direction short film Ramana - Living Idle
Special Mention Art Direction short film Hyandra Ello - Banalities
Best Sound design short film
Carina Levitan - Eventide Special Mention Sound design short film Jamais vu
Best Editing short film Pancho Ortega / José Hermes - Encallados
Special Mention Editing short film Jamais vu
Best Original music score short film
Darin Sisoev - Buzzing of a bumblebee
Special Mention Original music score short film
Varaprasad J V - Living Idle
Best Makeup short film Alice Corre, David Scherer - The last zombie
Best Production design short film
Fraterciné - The last zombie
Special Mention Production design short film
Ramana - Living Idle
Best Costume design short film
Satyaramana - Living Idle
2.- Feature & Half – length film Awards
Best Drama feature
Género, by Manuel Mira
Special Mention Drama feature
R.E.M., by Xavi Herrero
Best Indie feature
THE ARCHIPELAGO, by Benoit Maestre
Documentary Half-length film
De Lola a Laila, by Milena Bochet
Special Mention Documentary Half-length film
Suicide, by Juan Andres Mateos Diaz
Best video clip
Peaceful Life
Special Mention video clip
Best Video art
Homeless, by Leyla Rodriguez
Special Mention Video art
Sobrecarga, by Rafael Triana
Best Trailer
Banalities (Rafael de Andrade. Brazil)
Individual Awards: Best Director feature
Manuel Mira - Género
Special Mention Director feature Milena Bochet - De Lola a Laila
Best screenplay feature
Benoit Maestre - The Archipelago
Best Lead Actor feature
Toni Pons - Suicidio
Best Supporting Actor short film feature
Guillaume Destrem – The archipelago
Best Lead Actress feature Ainoa Herrero - REM
Special Mention Lead Actress feature Mónica Portillo - Género
Best team performance feature
Sylvie Maury, Guillaume Destrem, Samuel Mathieu & team - The archipelago
Best Cinematography feature Xavi Rubio, Angel García - Suicidio
Special Mention Cinematography feature Xavi Herrero – R.E.M.
Best Art Direction feature Colau Cortés - Suicidio
Best Editing feature Salvatore Fronio - De Lola a Laila
Best Production design feature
Sergio Rodrigo - Suicidio